Residency with Anton Rudakov


Residency with Anton Rudakov

Anton Rudakov was born in St. Petersburg and studied at the Vaganova Ballet Academy. His BA degree in 2000 wafollowed by an engagement at the Boris Eifmann Ballettcompany. In 2002 he moved to Aalto Ballett Theater
Essen. Since the beginning of the 2007 season, he has been a member of the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden. In 2014-
2015 he participated in several international competitions for choreographers and dance festivals. In October 2017, Anton
Rudakov completed a master’s degree in Performance Studies at the University of Hamburg. Since his graduation he worked with various artistic projects with; NW Portland Dance Project US, Skopje Dance Theatre, TanzKollektiv Bremen, Erfurt Tanz Theater, Kunsthalle Bremen, Nederlandse Reiseopera. His choreographic creations were shown in various International Festivals. In the summer 2021 he received the Hessian Theater award for his dance creation “Impo(R)tant”

He is currently in an artistic residency at Ensibuko Arts Foundation from 28th January till 26th February.

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